It is essential to consider growth potential when planning to permanently correct vertebral alignment as vertebrae can change shape as they grow (except in the case of congenital malformations with which the patient is born and which often require surgical intervention to modify their configuration).
The period of time between the onset of puberty and the end of spinal growth is critical in terms of curve progression for adolescents suffering from hyperkyphosis. This growth intensive period aggravates the incipient spinal deformity by submitting the spine to unequal pressure which further unbalances it as the child grows.
Because kyphosis can evolve rapidly during this crucial period, early diagnosis and implementation of a treatment plan can help to stabilize and in certain cases even correct the kyphotic curvature before it is too late, i.e. before growth is complete.
It is therefore of capital importance to detect hyperkyphosis and to intervene quickly; preferably before the ages of approximately 12 for young girls and of 13 for young boys.
The treatment of paediatric hyperkyphosis is recommended when the curvature reaches a Cobb angle of 45˚ or when the postural disorder becomes of sufficient concern either to the parent or the child for them to seek out corrective measures. The use of a SpineCor® brace may or may not be recommended, depending on the patient’s individual condition and needs. Early treatment is nevertheless always advisable, as it can lead to spectacular results.